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发布日期:2017-11-20   来源:矿道网   投稿者:王   浏览次数:2241


澳大利亚[Australia]: 澳大利亚地质调查局[Australian Geological Survey Organization (AGSO) ] 维多利亚矿能部[Energy and Mines Victoria ]

南澳矿能部[Mines and Energy South Australia (MESA)]

北特里多里矿能部[Northern Territory Department of Mines and Energy]西澳地质调查局[Geological Survey of Western Australia]

奥地利[Austria]:奥地利地质调查局[sterreichisches Geologisches Bundesamt]

巴西[Brazil]: 巴西地质调查局[Geological Survey of Brazil - Servico Geologico do Brazil]Departamento Nacional da Producao Mineral of Brazil

加拿大[Canada]: 加拿大自然资源-地球科学部[Natural Resources Canada - Earth Sciences Sector]加拿大地质调查局[Geological Survey of Canada]大西洋地质科学中心[GSC - Atlantic Geoscience Centre]渥太华地质调查局[GSC Ottawa]魁北克地质调查局[GSC Quebec]卡尔加里地质调查局[GSC Calgary]太平洋地质调查局[GSC Pacific]奥尔伯特研究会[Alberta Research Council]不列颠哥伦比亚省地质数据中心[British Colombia - Geographic Data BC]加拿大地质地理信息科学[Geomatics Canada]加拿大育空地质科学办公室[Canada - Yukon Geoscience Office]马尼托巴省矿能部[Manitoba Energy and Mines]新不伦瑞克矿能部[New Brunswick - Minerals and Energy / Nouveau Brunswick - Minéraux et énergy]纽芬兰省地质调查局[Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey]安大略北部开发与矿业部[ontario Ministry of Northern Development and Mines]安大略地质调查局[ontario Geological Survey (OGS)]魁北克矿产资源部[Ministère des Ressources naturelles du Québec]萨斯咯彻温省矿能部[Saskatchewan Energy and Mines]萨斯咯彻温省研究中心[Saskatchewan Research Council]加拿大遥感中心[Canada Centre for Remote Sensing]加拿大地质调查局[Geodetic Survey of Canada]

捷克[Czech Republic ]: 捷克地质调查局[Czech Geological Survey - Cesky Geologicky Ustav]

丹麦[Denmark] : 丹麦国家调查局[Danish National Survey - Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen]格陵兰政府矿业办公室[Minerals Office - Government of Greenland]

埃及[Egypt ]: 埃及地质调查与矿业局[Egyptian Geological Survey and Mining Authority ]

爱沙尼亚[Estonia]: 爱沙尼亚地质调查局[Geological Survey of Estonia]

欧洲[Europe]:欧洲地质数据中心/欧洲地质调查局[GEIXS - Geological Datasets in Europe / European Geological Surveys (EGS)]

斐济[Fiji]:斐济矿产资源部[Mineral Resources Department of Fiji]

芬兰[Finland ] :芬兰地质调查局[Geological Survey of Finland - Geologian Tutkimuskeskus]

法国[France]: 法国地质研究与矿产局[BRGM - Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières]国家科学研究中心[CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique]科学研究与技术开发办公室[ORSTOM - Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Outre-Mer]

德国[Germany]:Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) Bayerisches Geologisches Landesamt Geologisches Landesamt Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 德联邦西北地质调查所[Geologisches Landesamt Nordrhein-Westfalen ]Nieders?chsisches Landesamt für Bodenforschung

匈牙利[Hungary]: 匈牙利地质调查局[Geological Survey of Hungary - Magyar Geológiai Szolgálat]

爱尔兰[Republic of Ireland]: 爱尔兰地质调查局[Geological Survey of Ireland]

印度[India]: 印度地质调查局[Geological Survey of India ]

日本[Japan]:日本地质调查所[Geological Survey of Japan - Chishitsu Cyousa Jyo]

韩国[Korea]: 韩国地质研究矿产与原料部[Korea Institute of Geology, Mining and Materials (KIGAM)]

立陶宛[Lithuania]: 立陶宛地质调查局[Geological Survey of Lithuania - Lietuvos Geologijos Tarnyba]

墨西哥[Mexico]:墨西哥地质调查局[Geological Survey of Mexico - Geología de México]

纳米比亚[Namibia]:纳米比亚地质调查局[Geological Survey of Namibia]

荷兰[The Netherlands]:荷兰地质调查局[Geological Survey of The Netherlands - Rijks Geologische Dienst (RGD) ]

新西兰[New Zealand]:新西兰调查与国土信息部[New Zealand Department. of Survey and Land Information]

挪威[Norway]: 挪威地质调查局[Geological Survey of Norway - Norges Geologiske Unders else ]Norsk Polarinstitutt

斯洛伐克[Slovak Republic]:斯洛伐克地质调查局[Geological Survey of Slovak Republic-Geologicka Sluzba Slovenskej Republiky]

南斯拉夫[Slovenia]:南斯拉夫地质调查所[Geological Survey of Slovenia - Uprava Republike Slovenije za Geologijo]南斯拉夫地球物理所[Geophysical Survey of Slovenia - Uprava Republike Slovenije za Geofiziko]

南非[Republic of South Africa]:南非地质调查局[Geological Survey of South Africa]

瑞典[Sweden]:瑞典地质调查局[Geological Survey of Sweden - Sveriges Geologiska Undersning]

英国[United Kingdom]:英国地质调查局[British Geological Survey]英国南极调查局[British Antarctic Survey]BGS地磁组[British Geological Survey - Geomagnetism Group]大英帝国军火(测量)监督[Ordnance Survey of Great Britain]

美国[USA]:美国地质调查局[USA Geological Survey]阿拉巴马州地调局[Alabama Geological Survey]阿拉斯加州地调局[US Geological Survey Alaska]阿拉斯加州自然资源部[Alaska Department of Natural Resources]阿拉斯加州地质地球物理调查局[Alaska Geological and Geophysical Surveys]亚利桑那州地调局[Arizona Geological Survey]阿肯色州地质委员会[Arkansas Geological Commission]加利福尼亚矿产与地质部[California Divison Mines and Geology]康涅狄格州地质与自然历史调查局[State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut]科罗拉多州自然资源部[Colorado Department of Natural Resources]特拉华州地质调查局[Delaware Geological Survey(DGS)]佛罗里达州地质调查局[Florida Geological Survey]乔治亚州自然资源部[Georgia Department Of Natural Resources]夏威夷岛屿与自然资源部[Hawai's Department of Land and Natural Resources]爱达荷州地质调查局[Idaho Geological Survey]伊利诺斯州地质调查局[Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS)]印地安那州地质调查局[Indiana Geological Survey]爱荷华州地质调查局[Iowa DNR Geological Survey Bureau]堪萨斯州地质调查局[Kansas Geological Survey]肯塔基州地质调查局[Kentucky Geological Survey]路易斯安那州地质调查局[Louisiana Geological Survey]缅因州地质调查局[Maine Geological Survey]马里兰州地质调查局[Maryland Geological Survey]麻萨诸塞州环境事务行政办公室[Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs]密歇根州地质调查公司[Michigan DEQ Geological Survey Division]明尼苏达州地质调查局[Minnesota Geological Survey]密西西比州自然资源部[Mississippi Department of Natural Resources]密苏里州自然资源部[Missouri Department of Natural Resources]蒙大纳州地质矿产局[Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology]内布拉斯加州自然资源委员会[Nebraska Natural Resources Commission]内华达州地质矿产局[Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology]新罕布什尔州环境科学部[New Hampshire Department of Environmental Sciences]新泽西州地质调查局[New Jersey Geological Survey]新墨西哥州矿与原料资源局[New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources]纽约州环境保护部[New York State Department of Environmental Conservation]北卡罗莱纳州地质调查局[North Carolina Geological Survey]北达科他州地质调查局[North Dakota Geological Survey]俄亥俄州地质调查局[Ohio Geological Survey]俄克拉荷马州地质调查局[Oklahoma Geological Survey (Gopher)]俄勒冈州地质与原料工业部[Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries]宾夕法尼亚州地形与地质调查局[Pennsylvania Topographic and Geological Survey]波多黎各自然与环境资源部[Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources]南卡罗莱纳州地质调查局[South Carolina Geological Survey]南达科他州自然与环境资源部[South Dakota Departent of Environment and Natural Resources]南达科他州地质调查局[South Dakota Geological Survey]田纳西州保护部[Tennessee Department of Conservation]德克萨斯州经济地质局[Texas Bureau of Economic Geology]美国地质勘探局[USGS CERI(Memphis, Tennessee)]犹他州地质调查局[Utah Geological Survey (Salt Lake City)]佛蒙特州地质调查局[Vermont Geological Survey]维吉尼亚州原料矿能部[Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy]华盛顿州地质与地球资源公司[Washington State DNR Division of Geology and Earth Resources]西维吉尼亚州地质与经济调查局[West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey]威斯康星州地质与自然历史调查局[Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey]怀俄明州地质调查局[Wyoming State Geological Survey]



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